Savita Subramanian

Head of Environmental, Social & Governmental (ESG) Research
Head of U.S. Equity & Quantitative Strategy

BofA Global Research

Savita Subramanian is a managing director, global head of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Research and head of U.S. Equity & Quantitative Strategy based in New York. She is responsible for determining forecasts for the S&P 500 and other major U.S. indices, recommending U.S. sector allocations for equities, and developing and marketing the firm’s quantitative equity strategy to institutional and individual clients. She also leads Global Research’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts. Subramanian joined Merrill Lynch in 2001 as a strategist.

She has been ranked in the Institutional Investor survey for the last ten years, and currently ranks in four categories: ESG Research, Thematic Research, Quantitative Research and Portfolio Strategy. Subramanian is a frequent commentator on media outlets and is named by Barron’s as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in U.S. Finance.

Subramanian started her career as an analyst at Scudder Kemper Investments in New York and San Francisco.

Subramanian received a bachelor’s degree with majors in Mathematics and Philosophy from U.C. Berkeley, and received an MBA with a concentration in Finance from Columbia University.

Subramanian sits on the board of the U.C.L.A., MFE program. For more information about any awards cited, visit